Thursday, 8 December 2011

Winter prep

Not being a dramatist but it's getting slippy out there now.  If it goes like last year then this will be bad for general 'getting about' with any dignity. Penguin walking through town is never that elegant.

We have fitted our winter ice tyres for commuting now such is our optimism about the weather!  Hitting an icy patch and ending up on the floor is not the best fun to be had on a bike so these magical studded treads should help alleviate any broken collar bone potential we hope.

On this note, if you are going to be out riding in the cold, do yourself a favour and get some MW81 boots from Mr Shimano.  Surely one of the best products they have ever made - warm and cosy feet in even the most evil of weathers.

Back to tyres - they are basically a sure fire way of still being able to ride your bike when the snow and ice conspire against you. Where cars can't go, you can - both on the road and off. We have some really nice Spike Claw's from Continental for the Mountain Bike people like us out there so you can keep on the trails. Obviously if the snow is up to your knees then it will be hard going regardless of the tyre you have but when its crunchy and low and icy you can keep on the trails.

I have fitted Marathon Winter models to my Salsa commuter road bike - the noise they make is quite good fun.  Like riding on grit or even bubble wrap as someone described it.  I will be reporting on their efficacy and how many adventures I have with them over the winter months.  Kind of looking forward to it now oddly - think it helps when you think you are prepared for things to be sub-optimal. It gives a clarity of thought and confidence.

Anyway.  Winter tyre time - set about it!

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